ABPA: Impacts of an isolated case of Newcastle Disease on exports should not be relevant

In a press conference, presidents of ABPA and ASGAV indicate positive expectations regarding the reestablishment of normality.

Posted on Jul 21 ,00:19

ABPA: Impacts of an isolated case of Newcastle Disease on exports should not be relevant

The action to clarify and monitor the Newcastle Disease sample in Rio Grande do Sul was quick and no significant impacts are expected on poultry exports from Brazil. The analysis was presented recently by the president of the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA), Ricardo Santin, and the president of the Gaúcha Poultry Association (ASGAV), José Eduardo dos Santos, in a hybrid press conference held in Porto Alegre (RS).

According to the president of ABPA, the self-embargo announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock was expected due to the health agreements signed by Brazil, and reinforces the position of transparency in relation to health care for production. According to data presented by Santin, Brazilian exports represent, on average, 430 thousand tons per month. In the most extreme scenario, destinations where there is some type of embargo, total or partial, country or state, can generate an impact on these destinations of a maximum of 60 thousand tons.

"This does not mean that this volume will be destined for the domestic market. The flows will probably be allocated to other possible destinations demanding these products, especially at a time when international demand is strong", analyzes the president of ABPA, Ricardo Santin.

The data would represent, at most, between 5% and 7% of Brazilian monthly production. "It is worth reiterating that this is an extreme scenario and is not what is expected in relation to market behavior. There are already indications of potential resumptions in the very short term, thanks to the rapid and transparent clarification work by the technical and negotiation authorities of the Ministries of Agriculture and Foreign Affairs", adds the markets director, Luís Rua, who participated in the press conference.  

According to the president of ASGAV, rapid notification and action taken by federal and state health authorities allowed for a clearer view of the situation.

"The surroundings of the property were quickly identified, analyzes were carried out and monitoring continued. There are no signs of expansion of the occurrence and, rather, just a sample identified in the testing of a specific situation. For all these reasons, we hope that normality will be restored in the short term. It is also worth remembering that there is no risk to the consumer and that all steps to eliminate the occurrence and disinfect the farm have already been carried out", he points out.

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