Avicola Buzau, Avicola Tartaseti and Oprea Avicom are considered sterling examples to poultry gro...
Myanmar and the US are markets targeted for embryos, while Argentina shows interest in animal feed.
KSG Agro plans to go further with its investment plan and intends to use Danish genetic material ...
Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) Genetics is to be integrated into Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd as ...
The facility is part of Skolkovo Innovation Center and ranks among Top 5 global genetic veterinar...
A 747 charter plane delivered 900 head of breeding pigs on December 9, 2020, from Genesus nucleus...
The Canadian company signed a partnership with BaF Vietnam Agricultural Joint Stock Company (BaF).
Increased demand from poultry producers in Brazil is impacting export figures.
�Alliance to End Surgical Castration of Swine� developed an approach that prevents sexual maturat...
The Duroc Labeling Self-Control Program (PAED) involves the whole food chain, from producers to m...