AHDB: Increase in EU pig prices

For the week ending 19 Feb, the EU-27 reference price for pigs stood at 195.44p/kg ( 1 GBP= 1.13 Eur), a gain of almost 18p compared to the price 4 weeks prior (week ending 22 Jan). In comparison, the UK reference price has remained relatively steady over the 4 week period, seeing an increase of just over 1p to stand at 206.51p/kg for the week ending 19 Feb.

Posted on Mar 03 ,00:20

AHDB: Increase in EU pig prices

Looking at historical trends, EU pig prices typically see an uplift as spring approaches. Reports of tight supply in slaughter ready pigs on the continent have likely brought forward this price rise by a few weeks as processors try to match supply with demand.

Looking at the key EU producers, significant price increases have been seen across the board in the 4 weeks ending 19 Feb, except for Denmark. Danish pigs have seen a price decrease of 4p over the period, although there was a small uptick in the final week bringing the price to 151.56p/kg. This is the lowest price of the key producers by nearly 30p.

Prices for the other selected key nations are now at the highest on record. The Netherlands has seen the largest increase in the last 4 weeks, up almost 29p to sit at 180.73p/kg for the week ending 19 Feb. Germany has also seen prices rise by well over 20p to stand at 207.01p/kg in the same week, 0.50p higher than the UK reference price. France and Spain have seen prices increase by 20p to 196.70p/kg and 15p to 191.98p/kg respectively.

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