Awal Fuseini on different halal requirements: "Not good! It confuses the producers"
EuroMeatNews & Gulfood workshop "Modern focus on traditional halal meat market" has brought on the stage one of the experts in this industry, Mr Awal Fuseini, the Halal Sector Manager of the UK’s Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). His speech was focused on the challenges presented by different requirements existing in different countries on halal compliance.
"It is not good! It confuses the producers", said Fuseini. AHDB's Halal Sector Manager explained how the system should work in order to meet the compliance requirements and also the animal welfare policies.
Awal Fuseini has extensive knowledge of the Halal industry, prior to joining AHDB, he was the certification manager of one of the largest Halal certification bodies in the UK, the Halal Food Authority (HFA).
His scientific work has been published in a number of high impact scientific journals such as Meat Science, Animal Welfare, CAB Reviews Journals and others. He is in the latter stages of his PhD research at the University of Bristol’s Veterinary School. Awal’s PhD involves the development of a new system of head-only electrical stunning for the humane slaughter of cattle.
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