Brazil: Poultry genetics exports grow 10.9 percent in May


Surveys by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) show that Brazilian exports of poultry genetics (including 1-day-old chicks and fertile eggs) totaled 2,650 thousand tons in May, a 10.9% higher performance to the total obtained in the same period last year, with 2,389 thousand tons.

Posted on Jun 21 ,00:05

Brazil: Poultry genetics exports grow 10.9 percent in May

In the same period, sales of poultry genetics generated revenue of US$ 18.934 million, a balance 10.6% lower compared to the same period in 2023, with US$ 21.185 million.

In the year, exports of poultry genetics accumulated between January and May reached 12,855 thousand tons, a number 2.2% higher than that recorded in the first five months of 2023, with 12,577 thousand tons. Revenue obtained in the period reached US$98.587 million, 12.8% lower than the same period last year, US$113.053.

The main destination for poultry genetics exports, Mexico imported 4,750 thousand tons between January and May, a number 40.6% lower than the total recorded in the same period of the previous year. On the other hand, South Africa – which recently started importing the Brazilian product – imported 2,955 thousand tons in the same period, and is already positioned as the second main destination. In third place is Senegal, with 2,157 thousand tons, a number 54.9% higher than that recorded in the same period last year.

"We have a reconfiguration in the flow of poultry genetics from Brazil, which now finds its main international destination in African nations. Brazil's health status has been a crucial point for the continued good performance of sales in this high-value-added segment, especially for markets that have been suffering the impacts of Avian Influenza", analyzes the president of ABPA, Ricardo Santin.

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