Brazil negotiates greater acces in the United States

A mission attempts to open that country's borders for new agricultural products as well as expand quotas for products such as beef.

Posted on Mar 15 ,00:05

Brazil negotiates greater acces in the United States

This week, a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA), led by its Secretary of Commerce and International Relations, was negotiating in Washington for greater access to the North American market for beef and sugar as well as enabling chicken and Tahitian lemon (lime).

The official assured the press that they intend, at least, to double their access to meat, which today is through a quota of 65 thousand tons per year, and to increase that of sugar.

In reality, Brazil does not have its own meat quota, as Argentina and Uruguay have, although much smaller, but rather accesses it through a quota for third countries that they previously enjoyed, especially Central American countries, and, recently, it has to also share with Paraguay.

The US is interested in reducing the 18% tariff that Brazil applies to ethanol of that origin.

Brazil also has a package of investment projects to transform degraded lands into arable areas, within environmental initiatives, for US investment funds.

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