China imported more than a million tons of beef in four months


China's beef import volumes continue to break records. In April, 224,000 thousand tons entered, a year-on-year increase of 23%, and the million tons were exceeded in the first four months.

Posted on May 28 ,00:15

China imported more than a million tons of beef in four months

Between January and April, China purchased 190,000 tons more than last year in the same period, an increase of 23%, for a value of US$ 4,775 million, which represents an increase of 10% compared to 2023.

The imported value in April was US$ 1,094 million, 13% more than in April 2023. The average price was US$ 4,886 per ton, stable compared to US$ 4,875 in March and 7.6% lower than the same month of 2023. For the four-month period the average is US$ 4,805 per ton.

In each month of 2024, historical maximum volumes have been exceeded and considering the last 12 rolling months, China imported 2.92 million tons.

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