Commission approves German aid schemes worth EUR 1 billion to improve animal welfare


Under EU state aid rules, the European Commission has approved two German schemes with a total budget of around EUR 1 billion that are intended to improve animal welfare standards in livestock farming, particularly pigs.

Posted on Feb 01 ,00:05

Commission approves German aid schemes worth EUR 1 billion to improve animal welfare

The first scheme, worth EUR 675 million, will provide direct grants covering up to 60% of the eligible investment costs for the modernization of pig breeding facilities to improve animal welfare standards. This includes improvements in living conditions (e.g. access to outdoor climate stables or cooling options) as well as limits for stocking density and CO2 emissions. The first regulation runs until the end of 2030.

The second scheme, worth EUR 325 million, provides direct grants covering up to 80% of the additional costs of adapting animal husbandry to methods that provide higher animal welfare standards (such as additional roughage and bedding and electricity for cooling and ventilation systems). The second regulation runs until the end of 2031.

Federal Minister Özdemir welcomes the EU Commission's approval of the federal animal husbandry conversion program:

"We have received the green light from Brussels to promote better animal husbandry. This is a good and important signal for farmers in Germany. Animal husbandry should have a future in Germany - and that will only be possible if we make consumer demand for greater animal welfare a business model. Our funding program to convert animal husbandry can now start soon. We are providing one billion euros to boost the conversion of pig fattening. This is more money than any government has previously made available for future-proof animal husbandry.

But that can only be the beginning. In order to give our farmers planning security on the conversion path, long-term support is needed. In the beginning, the funds will not be able to be raised through the market alone. We don't need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to finally incorporate it. Now is the time to build on the proposals of the broad-based Borchert Commission in order to give animal husbandry in Germany new perspectives and planning security.

We should all work together to not only give our agriculture the appreciation it deserves, but also to create good framework conditions. I know that the food trade is on our side. The democratic opposition can also make its contribution to ensuring that animal husbandry has a future in Germany by actively supporting us on the financing issue".

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