Danish Crown is to have a new Group CFO
After four years in the post, Thomas Ahle has chosen to replace his Group CFO role in Danish Crown with an equivalent one in STARK Group. He will leave Danish Crown at the end of August 2024.
Thomas Ahle joined Danish Crown in 2020 from the company Refresco in the Netherlands and has driven group strategy and spearheaded a number of group programs that will together strengthen the group's financial and ESG reporting as well as compliance. During his term, the group has gained a new IT strategy, strengthened its procurement activities and strengthened performance management across the group.
"We are sad to say goodbye to Thomas, who has been a well-liked and competent Group CFO, who has delivered a strong effort in his role as senior manager both in the financial and non-financial areas. He is a skilled communicator and has led us well on the way to a changed world with many new requirements for reporting", says Jais Valeur, Group CEO of Danish Crown.
For Thomas Ahle, saying goodbye to Danish Crown is not easy.
"I have been very happy with my time at Danish Crown, and it is difficult to say goodbye to the many competent employees. However, I have been given a unique opportunity at STARK Group, a venture capital-owned company that is on a rampant growth journey with acquisitions and integration, with a potential IPO ahead. It's extremely exciting, both professionally and managerially, so I couldn't say no to this challenge", says Thomas Ahle.
The recruitment of a new Group CFO has started, and a replacement is expected to be found during the summer.
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