Germany: Experimental slaughterhouse opened in Schwarzenau


A new research and testing center for pigs is being built at the Schwarzenau state farm. An essential component of this is the new experimental slaughterhouse. This was officially opened in July 13, 2024, in the presence of the Bavarian Minister of Agriculture, Michaela Kaniber. A new animal welfare barn is also due to open there soon.

Posted on Jul 20 ,00:16

Germany: Experimental slaughterhouse opened in Schwarzenau

"The modern slaughterhouse, which has the highest standards in terms of animal welfare and occupational safety, is intended to set new standards in Bavaria", explained Kaniber at the inauguration of the new experimental slaughterhouse in Schwarzenau. 

"We are supporting our pig farms and giving them the tools to make pig farming future-proof. In doing so, we are of course facing up to social challenges such as animal welfare, environmental and climate protection", said the minister. For her, meat consumption with regional products is clearly part of a varied human diet. That is why she is committed to ensuring that animal welfare, consumer interests and rural agricultural structures are brought into harmony in Bavaria.

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