Germany: Import of goose meat has fallen by 50.6 percent within ten years
As in previous years, the majority of imported goose meat in 2023 came from Eastern European EU countries: 9,500 tonnes, or a good three-quarters (78.5%), were imported from Poland, while almost 2,400 tonnes, or a fifth (19.5%) of goose meat imports, came from Hungary.
2,300 tons of goose meat from slaughter in Germany
Only a small part of the supply of goose meat in Germany comes from commercial slaughter. In 2023, just under 2,300 tonnes of goose meat were produced in this country, a decrease of 18.3% compared to 2013 (production in 2013: just under 2,800 tonnes). Almost four fifths (79.2%) of the slaughtered volume last year came from the months of October, November and December. December alone accounted for 42.7%.
Compared to other types of poultry, goose meat plays a rather minor role in culinary terms in this country. Only 0.1% of the 1.6 million tonnes of poultry meat from commercial slaughter in Germany in 2023 came from geese. By comparison: 1.4% came from ducks, 26.7% from turkeys and by far the largest share, 69.4%, came from young broiler chickens.
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