
Germany: No transport of QS goods without QS certification

From January 1, 2024, all companies that transport QS meat products are obliged to participate in the QS system.

Posted on Nov 15 ,00:05

Germany: No transport of QS goods without QS certification

This means that, after a two-year transition period, the opportunity for logistics companies that transport meat and meat products on behalf of QS system partners to participate in the QS system on a voluntary basis ends. The QS requirements for logistics providers then also apply to their subcontractors. With this new regulation, the QS requirements apply to all companies in the transport chain of QS meat and meat products .

Logistics companies can participate in the QS system either through QS certification or through a certification system recognized by QS. The QS certification essentially includes practical measures for process safety and also offers smaller companies the opportunity to check and prove the quality and safety of their logistical processes. In the future, wholesale and meat processing clients will be able to display the delivery authorization of their logistics service providers centrally via the QS database.

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