
Germany nutrition report: consumption of meat and sausages is declining


Climate and environmental aspects play a central role for most people when shopping for groceries. This is from the Nutrition Report 2022 of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) for which the eating and shopping habits of Germans are surveyed every year in a representative survey.

Posted on Jul 15 ,03:50

Germany nutrition report: consumption of meat and sausages is declining

As the survey further shows, the proportion of consumers who buy vegetarian or vegan alternatives is growing due to the protection of animals, the environment and the climate. On the other hand, the daily consumption of meat and sausages is declining. Only a quarter of those surveyed said they eat animal products every day. In the survey for the first Federal Nutrition Report in 2015, this proportion was still 34%. The proportion of consumers who have bought vegetarian and vegan products at least once is currently 47%, and in the 14 to 29 age group even 64%.

Great importance of mandatory animal husbandry labeling

  • For 87% of those surveyed, mandatory animal husbandry labeling would be important (34%) or even very important (53%).
  • Consumers would be willing to pay more for more animal welfareRespondents were asked to assume that conventionally produced meat costs 10 euros per kilogram. Asked what maximum they would be willing to pay for a kilogram of meat of the same type if it came from animals that were kept better than the law stipulates, 13 % of those surveyed stated that they would pay a maximum of up to would pay 12 euros. 45 % would pay up to 15 euros for such meat. 24% would pay up to 20 euros for it, for 12 % a price of more than 20 euros would be acceptable.
  • 71 % of those surveyed, significantly more than last year (44 %), stated that they had already noticed the Nutri-Score nutritional labeling on a product packaging when shopping. The proportion is particularly high among those aged up to 44 (82 %).
  • A good third of those surveyed (31 %) and thus a similar number as in the previous survey compared products within a product group using the Nutri-Score
  • For 38 percent, the Nutri-Score has already influenced the purchase decision

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