
Global pork production to reach 103 million tonnes


The figure projected by USDA stands for an increase of 6.1% compared with 2020.

Posted on Mar 26 ,07:03

Global pork production to reach 103 million tonnes

For this year, the United States Department of Agriculture projects that the global consumption of pork will be around 103 million tonnes. That is 6.1% higher than 2020's global pork production. An increase of 14.5% is expected at an annual rate in the case of China. This Asian country would contribute 41.9% of world pork production by the end of 2021, according to the report. In the European Union, the second-largest producer in the world, a slight increase of 0.2 percent is expected again. The third place in this chain is occupied by the United States, where an annual increase in production of 1% is expected, given the increase in domestic and foreign demand.
Regarding consumption, during 2020 it fell to the lowest level in more than a decade, despite the high pace of trade. The forecast for the short term is that world meat consumption will be below pre-ASF levels. In international trade, world exports in 2021 are expected to decrease 2.1% and the EU will remain the world's largest exporter of pork. Mexico will also benefit from the increased demand for pork from China and is expected to maintain a consistent growth in exports to the Chinese market.
Pork production in Mexico will reach 1.5 million tonnes this year, which would represent a national record. The increase is sustained by the growing demand, as well as the efforts of the local industry associated with genetic improvement.
In turn, national consumption is forecast at around 2.1 million tonnes, that is, an annual increase of 2.5% and a maximum historical consumption. The increase in consumption is mainly due to affordable prices, both for the final consumer and for the processing industry, among other factors.

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