
Guidelines for Danish consumers - "Eat less but better meat"

Animal welfare

A new campaign for the State Animal Welfare Label aims to increase consumers' knowledge of the label and raise the welfare of pigs, cows and chickens.

Posted on Aug 28 ,08:11

Guidelines for Danish consumers - "Eat less but better meat"

The Danish Minister of Food Agriculture and Fisheries Mogens Jensen hopes to set a new trend in Denmark in order to have a new generation of consumers oriented for quality, not quantity. "We have to eat less meat, and then more people can hopefully afford to buy better, slightly more expensive meat. I would, therefore, urge that we let the animals benefit and buy meat with the State Animal Welfare Label. The more hearts, the better the animals have had it", he said in a statement.
A survey conducted by YouGov for the Ministry of the Environment and Food shows that many Danes know the brand, and 7 out of 10 consumers want to prioritize animal welfare when buying food. But the figures also show that many consumers are in doubt about what the brand's one, two and three green animal welfare hearts mean. A new campaign from the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Mogens Jensen must now rectify this.

With the Animal Welfare label, consumers can give the animals a better life for a modest additional price. The campaign will increase the Danes' awareness of the brand and help to tell how much more animal welfare they and the animals get for their money. The Minister also has a recipe for how everyone can contribute to eating more climate-friendly - regardless of budget. Earlier this summer, together with Minister of Climate, Energy and Supply Dan Jørgensen, he presented 22 climate-friendly food tips.

"We know that the climate footprint on meat is high, especially on some types of meat, and we need to change our eating habits in a more climate-friendly direction. If we are many who change a little in our eating habits, then we can make a big difference," added Mogens Jensen.
The State Animal Welfare Label was launched in the spring of 2017 and today adorns meat from pigs, cattle, chickens, cold cuts, milk and dairy products. The purpose of the Animal Welfare Label is to improve animal welfare for as many animals as possible through consumer purchases. A little over 1,000 herds have been registered for the Animal Welfare Mark. 61% of Danes are familiar with the brand, and 75% of the respondents who know the brand trust it.


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