
Historical record set by Paraguayan beef exports


Chile, Russia, Brazil, Taiwan and Israel are the main markets for Paraguayan beef.

Posted on Nov 15 ,10:24

Historical record set by Paraguayan beef exports

Over 283,214 tonnes of beef have been exported by Paraguay between January and October 2021, in what has become a historical record for the country, according to a report from the National Service for Animal Quality and Health (Senacsa). Beef exports for the first 10 months of 2021 are worth more than $1.3 billion, according to the official document.
Chile was the main market for beef produced in Paraguay, with 116,887 tonnes. It is followed by Russia (68,996 tonnes), Brazil (25,814 tonnes), Taiwan (25,429 tonnes) and Israel (15,339 tonnes). In 2022, Paraguay hopes to increase beef exports by adding the US market as one of the important destinations for these products. At the beginning of November, a delegation from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) arrived in the country for auditing the local beef industry to determine whether Paraguayan beef may enter the US market.
"We are very confident that we will pass the test. The United States has its processes and bureaucracies that must be considered, but after the November audit we are confident that we are going to export to that market," declared Mario Balmelli, chairman of the Rural Association of Paraguay (ARP) Meat Committee, quoted by the MercoPress newspaper. Paraguay hopes to obtain a similar quota of those granted to Uruguay and Argentina by the United States, 20,000 tonnes.

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