IAWS. Export and International Image
Spain has been positioned as the second-largest pork exporter in the world and the fourth-largest producer in the world thanks to the trust of importers and distributors from around the world, who identify the white pork sector with a strong commitment to their main demands, fully coinciding with the bases on which our production model is based: quality, food safety, animal welfare and care for the environment.
Over time, more and more countries require and request standards and certifications in animal welfare for the exports of meat products. In this sense, the INTERPORC ANIMAL WELFARE SPAIN (IAWS) certification is the certification of the Spanish white pork sector that covers aspects of animal welfare, biosecurity, food safety, sustainability, animal health, handling and traceability, so its international promotion and acceptance by the main importing countries of Spanish meat favors their trade.
The IAWS Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Technical Regulation is based on the 5 freedoms established by the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) that all production animals must have and on the 12 General Criteria for animal welfare considering the EU regulations. It is endorsed by a Scientific Committee of experts in animal welfare, audited by independent certification bodies and its transparency has been supported by animal rights organizations.
From an international point of view, retailers such as Morrisons have recognized the IAWS standard through their “Farm Animal Health and Welfare Report” as one of the standards for their imported products that they require from their suppliers when complying with their animal welfare policy.
Besides, INTERPORC is an approved member of GLOBALG.A.P., and consequently, this will contribute in the future to the international strengthening of the IAWS animal welfare protocol and to greater visibility of the companies that achieve the IAWS certification.
The Spanish white coat pig sector, through the "WELFARE COMMITMENT CERTIFIED" seal, seeks to give visibility and certainty of the efforts that it has been investing for years in animal welfare matters, being key to gaining the trust of importing countries, facilitating the creation of new commercial partners and, therefore, allowing the opening of new markets in which to sell products.
For further information, please check our website: https://www.bienestaranimalcertificado.com/animal-welfare-certified/
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