IFA urges EU to exclude Brazil from the Mercosur talks
IFA National Livestock Chairman Angus Woods says that Brazil is "in total breach of EU regulations by allowing factory staff carry out post-mortem inspections for beef exported into Europe." Mr. Woods added that in the EU it is illegal for the staff to carry out these kinds of inspections.
Furthermore, Mr. Woods added that the latest report must represent a wake-up call for Commissioner Malmstrom to immediately withdraw beef from the Mercosur negotiations.
According to Mr. Woods, the FVO reports that out of the 53 beef plants cleared for export to the EU, the Brazilians have only 187 official veterinary staff and 761 factory staff performing post-mortem inspections for beef exports to Europe.
The reports also underlines that the Brazilian factories which pay their staff to carry out inspections are the same that were involved in the Weak Flesh corruption scandal last year.
Also, Mr. Woods says that the Commission should take into account the fact that the FVO report also highlights the breach in EU regulations in Brazil over their failure to properly de-list non-compliant meat plants.
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