INTERPORC: Highly nutritional charactiristics for the white layer pork meat
Regarding minerals and vitamins, it contains high bioavailability iron and zinc, thiamin, niacin and vitamins B6 and B12. It also contains useful amounts of copper, magnesium, selenium, cobalt, and phosphorus.
Of all the nutrients in meat, proteins occupy a preferential place. Its percentage in meats is higher than that of many other foods, especially those of plant origin. The essential amino acid content of the meat protein gives it a high biological value, with a very acceptable digestibility.
Fat is the nutrient provided by meat in which the greatest fluctuations are observed, not only from one animal species to another, but also depending on the region of the carcass within the same species. These fluctuations may be related not only to the amount of fat, but also to its quality. Pork meat has a high degree of unsaturation in its body fat which, in turn, will depend on the type of food the animal receives.
The nutritional importance of meat as a carrier of vitamins is based mainly on the content of group B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid). The contents of group B vitamins present certain differences between the different animal species. For example, pork has ten times more thiamine than beef and lamb. On the other hand, meat can provide almost 69% of the vitamin B12 intake and up to 96% of the B6. They can also provide 20% folate. In addition, meat and offal are prominent sources of fat-soluble vitamins. Thus, the liver is the main dietary source of vitamin A, although it is also abundant in adipose tissue.
Regarding minerals, meat contains many of those necessary for the human organism, among which iron, phosphorus and zinc stand out. Meat contributes about 50% of this last mineral to a normal diet. Also, citrates and glutamates used as ingredients in some processed meats can increase zinc absorption.
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