INTERPORC will promote the high standards of sustainability and competitiveness of the pig sector at SEPOR


INTERPORC will offer attendees of the SEPOR 2024 Livestock, Industrial and Agro-Food Fair an in-depth look at the challenges and advances of the sector. With an agenda full of events, INTERPORC will be one of the main protagonists of the fair that will be held in Lorca (Murcia) from October 28 to 31.

Posted on Oct 18 ,00:45

INTERPORC will promote the high standards of sustainability and competitiveness of the pig sector at SEPOR

INTERPORC representatives will participate in several of the many debate sessions and round tables that will take place over the four days of the event. They will enter into topics such as strategies to improve the competitiveness of the Spanish pig sector, the role of agri-food interprofessionals and the importance of sustainability and circularity in the pig industry.

Highlights include the round table on 'Strategies for improving the competitiveness of the Spanish pig sector in the face of new challenges', to be held on Tuesday 29 October in the afternoon session at the Auditorium; and the presentation on the 30th, also in the afternoon, of the main data from the report 'The challenges of the Spanish pig sector'. This is a work prepared in collaboration with the Cajamar Foundation that addresses the main challenges that await companies in key areas such as sustainability, animal welfare and competitiveness in an increasingly demanding global market.

Likewise, INTERPORC will participate in the presentation “The role of the Agro-Food Interprofessionals in the future of food” (Tuesday 29, 10:15 a.m. at the CARM institutional stand); it will moderate a day dedicated to logistics and animal welfare in transport (Wednesday 30, 5:00 p.m., room A); and it will organize, in collaboration with ElPozo Alimentación, a conference on cutting, utilization and nutritional properties of white ham (Thursday 31, 8:00 p.m., auditorium), an iconic product of Spanish gastronomy.

For INTERPORC, SEPOR is the perfect setting to promote the intense work carried out by the Interprofessional and to learn first-hand about the latest innovations and trends in the swine sector. For this reason, the Interprofessional encourages all professionals in the sector and the general public to visit the fair.

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