JBS Green Offices regularize 8,000 farms and expand service to rural producers

The goal is to increase support for farms by 50% in 2024, prioritizing support for small producers. In a new phase, the program aims to contribute to increased productivity.

Posted on Feb 08 ,00:15

JBS Green Offices regularize 8,000 farms and expand service to rural producers

The Green Offices program at JBS, one of the largest food companies in the world, reached the milestone of 8 thousand socio-environmental regularizations of farms in Brazil. In 2023 alone, the initiative recorded a total of 4,000 farm regularizations and reached the milestone of 2,300 hectares targeted for forest restoration. For this year, the company's goal is to reach 12 thousand regularizations and prioritize service to small producers. 

Among the 8 thousand regularizations carried out, 47% are for small properties. Aiming mainly to support small producers in addition to solving environmental liabilities, at the end of last year JBS launched Green Offices 2.0. 

"Technology increases productivity, income and makes production more sustainable", says Liège Correia, Director of Sustainability at JBS Brasil. "With Green Offices 2.0, we will offer tools so that producers have access to regenerative production practices and techniques and integrated agroforestry systems", she adds.

According to the executive, the Company adopted a strategy to combat the problem of deforestation that goes beyond blocking producers who do not comply with the company's purchasing policy. "We understand that this sectoral issue related to deforestation will only have a solution if we act together with ranchers and small producers, offering effective solutions and promoting technical assistance for those who wish to regularize. And the results we are achieving in the Green Offices prove that this is a successful strategy", she states. 

The executive explains that, in around three years of the Green Offices' existence, more than 22 thousand services have already been provided to rural producers, of which 9 thousand took place in 2023 alone, representing a growth of 57% when compared to the previous year. 

Currently, JBS monitors more than 70,000 potential cattle supply farms daily. When a property is identified as having any type of non-compliance with the socio-environmental criteria of the JBS Responsible Purchasing Policy, the company's purchasing system is immediately blocked. At this moment, the work of the Green Offices offers support to understand and support those producers who want to follow the path of sustainability towards the regularization of their areas.

The program began with offices in the states of Pará, Rondônia, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. As the initiative matured and increased demand from producers, the program was expanded, reaching Acre and Tocantins. 

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