JBS broke the record of 44 thousand promotions in 2024
In 2024, JBS broke its record of 44,000 promotions. This number represents 28% of the company's workforce: with 158,000 employees, JBS is now the largest employer in Brazil. The milestone reached this year represents a 69% increase compared to 2023. It is also higher than the projection set by the company at the beginning of the year, when JBS announced its commitment to promote 40,000 people.
These figures are the result of the company's investment in its workforce, as a lever to drive the company's growth. "JBS's mission is to be the best at what it sets out to do, ensuring the opportunity for a better future for all its employees. It was with this goal in mind that we expanded our internal training programs, ensuring that everyone on our team is prepared to take advantage of the best opportunities", says Fernando Meller, executive director of Human Resources at JBS Brazil.
This is the case of Deyvdson Lima, 35, one of the employees promoted in 2024. Lima, who has been at JBS for 12 years, started as a production assistant, has already been promoted four times and is currently the Industrial Manager of the Itapetinga (SP) unit. "People who work at a company that recognizes good professionals stop caring only about their current salary and start worrying more about doing a job well and preparing themselves to take on greater responsibilities", he highlights.
He says that since he joined JBS, his monthly salary has increased 11 times, allowing him to undertake important personal projects, such as buying his first car and his first house. "My children, a 12-year-old boy, a 10-year-old girl and a four-year-old girl, study in good schools and I provide them with a good life, with a better standard of living than I had when I was a child".
Fernando Meller emphasizes that the Company offers the necessary tools for employees to develop the skills needed for career advancement. Through programs in partnership with the J&F Institute, JBS offers courses and training that enhance skills and train its workforce.
The Industrial Manager of the JBS unit in Ituiutaba (MG), Bruno Henrique da Silva Souza, is another example of a professional who had his skills improved through internal programs. He joined JBS in 2013, at the age of 22, as a Quality Assurance Assistant at the Andradina (SP) unit. The professional comments that his proactivity and sense of leadership were skills that his leaders always recognized and, therefore, he was encouraged to develop himself to take on management positions.
After three years, Bruno Henrique was approved to participate in the Internal Talent Program, which prepared him to become a Production Supervisor. He soon became a Management System Supervisor in Itapetinga (BA), a position that allowed him to work in the units of Diamantino (MT) and, later, Barra do Garças (MT), where he was promoted to Production Coordinator. In August of this year, Bruno Henrique became Industrial Manager in Ituiutaba (MG).
"I have a three-year-old son. And my personal motivation to work better is to be able to give our children more than we had. And I will fight harder and harder to give even more", says Bruno Henrique. "The path to achieving this goal is set: Since I joined JBS, I have made it clear to my leaders that my goal has always been to grow. Now I want to establish myself as an industrial manager and, in the future, take a step forward and become a director", he points out.
Meller explains that the Company set a target of 40,000 promotions at the beginning of 2024, which was exceeded before the end of the year. "People are what drive us, so we are very happy to have surpassed this milestone", he highlights. "Seeing our employees reaching new heights in their careers and achieving their personal goals is a source of pride. This dedication ensures our growth and global consolidation", concludes Meller.
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