JBS launches entrepreneurship program for women in agriculture

Rural female producers managing integrated farms for Seara form the first group of women trained by JBS in management - and are already seeing increased revenue and productivity on their agricultural properties.

Posted on Jul 13 ,00:10

JBS launches entrepreneurship program for women in agriculture

They are part of the Women SuperAgro program, which provides support and tools to boost female entrepreneurship in agribusiness. The program offers training in rural property management, covering modules from people management, financial management, legal and tax issues, to sustainable production practices and animal welfare.

A 2023 survey conducted by Seara revealed that 41% of the integrated properties are managed by women. One such case is Ivinice Schneider, an aviculturist who owns a farm in Tupandi (RS) and participated in the first edition of the program, concluded in May. She reports a 7% increase in her revenue as a result of the experience, along with improvements in product quality. "The positive results continue to improve day by day, showing that I am on the right path", she says. "Women SuperAgro has greatly contributed to my professional and personal growth, helping me to see and value myself as a woman leading my business, with exchanges of experiences among all of us", she adds.

Rosane Bertolin, also a participant in the first edition and responsible for a farm in Passo Fundo (RS), states that the experience helped her master management strategies. "Women SuperAgro made all the difference in my life because I learned to direct and delegate tasks to my team, gaining more time to dedicate myself to other important administrative issues," says the entrepreneur.

For Pauline Bellaver, Sustainability Specialist at Seara, the program represents another important step for the company in the sector, empowering female entrepreneurs to advance their careers. "By bringing together the experiences of so many incredible women, we had the opportunity to offer enriching knowledge exchange to our integrated producers, ensuring that everything taught during the course is put into practice in their daily lives on the field", comments Pauline. "The program was carefully designed to provide support and tools for them to further develop their family businesses, in a more sustainable way, enhancing the quality and well-being that JBS promotes among its integrated producers", she explains.

With 1.5-hour video lessons and biweekly in-person meetings, the first edition of the program lasted seven months, focusing on self-awareness, sustainability, technical training, and entrepreneurship.

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