Meat consumption in Peru expected to increase to 10 kilos per capita by 2021
According to data provided by MINAGRI, currently, Peruvian consumers eat on average 6.5 kilos. Peru's meat consumption is the lowest compared to that from other countries in the region. An analysis from FAO says in Chile meat consumption reached 26 kilos, both in Brazil and Argentina consumption is situated at 14 kilos, while in Ecuador is 10 kilos and in Colombia 7.8 kilos.
Since 2017, the "Pig Week" campaign has been encouraging pork consumption and it promoted the benefits of eating this meat, which is rich in nutrients and is a reference to our national cuisine.
In Peru, there are currently 3.4 million pigs, which offer an average national yield of 85 kilograms per pig and an annual production of 200 thousand tons of meat. It is estimated that there are a total of 75 thousand breeding females of high genetic in intensive or commercial breeding and about 150 thousand in family breeding in the whole country (Creole cattle). Intensive rearing accounts for 75% and family upbringing contributes with 25%. (Source Asoporci - OIPORC)
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