Mexico, among the main producers and consumers of pork in the world
Mexico has a dynamic and growing pork industry, which is reflected in rising pork production and consumption that stands out in Latin America, supported by the productive capacity of the sector and the support of public goods, in particular, in health and safety, highlighted the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The federal agency pointed out that, in the first half of the year, Mexico was among the main consumers of pork in Latin America, with 1 322 829 tons, 30.9 percent of the total registered in the region.
According to information from the Organization of Mexican Pork Producers (Opormex), based on market sources, in the reference period, apparent consumption in Latin America increased 10.8 percent compared to the first six months of 2021, to total 4 281 000 tons.
With the exception of Chile, whose consumption fell 3.4 percent, the countries of the region registered considerable increases of more than 9.0 percent. In fact, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil grew at a very similar rate, with rates of 12.6, 12.1 and 11.4 percent, in that order.
The Mexican Institute of Pork Production pointed out that the rise is attributed to the quality of the meat produced in the country, biosecurity of the highest level, consumer promotion campaigns and the protein price situation.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development highlighted that at the end of last year, pork production increased 2.3 percent compared to 2020, going from 1 649 336 tons to 1 686 802, that is, 37 466 tons more.
In 2021, the main pork producing states at national level were Jalisco with 380 076 tons, Sonora 311 006, Puebla 181 660 and Yucatan with 155 497 tons, the rest of the entities of the country contributed 664 768 tons.
According to figures from the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP), it is estimated that in 2022 the production volume will reach 1 736 000 tons, an increase of 2.95 percent.
It indicated that the coordinated work between the Ministery of Agriculture and Opormex has placed Mexico as the thirteenth producer of pork in the world and has allowed opening markets to Mexican pig farmers, who each year sell more than 250 000 tons of products in countries such as Japan, United States, Singapore, Canada, South Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Chile and China.
The federal agency, together with the Mexican pork producers organized in Opormex, launched the Mexican Institute of Pork Production at the beginning of the year to serve one of the most important sectors in our country, with the aim of promoting scientific and technological research and bring it closer to small and medium-scale producers.
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