More and more butchers are hired in Spain
Butcher shops in Spain are having a tremendous year, despite the restrictions applied to stop the spreading of the novel coronavirus. And due to this, the need for trained professionals is continuously growing, according to the Educarne training center.
The center has launched a Butcher's Assistant Course, which is going to start its VI Edition and currently has 98% employability, informs Carnimad. For years Carnimad has reported the high rate of employability that exists in its sector that not only gives the opportunity to develop a profession for the future but also carry out traditional trades that are being reinvented. The high supply of these vacancies, which have increased even more with the pandemic, together with the shortage of trained and qualified professionals to work in these businesses, mean that the unemployment rate in this sector is practically nil.
Although Carnimad had already warned of this situation since 2015, now the Organization reports that in recent months there has been an even greater increase in hiring in the sector, since specialized meat establishments have recovered market share since the start of the pandemic, Due to the fact that many consumers have returned to buy from the local shops, from the shops in their neighborhood, also recovering the habit of cooking more fresh and quality products at home.
Román Díaz-Tovar, HR Director of the Organization, indicates: "We only perceived a small stop in the hiring of personnel between the months of March and May 2020, due to the uncertainty of the situation, but afterward the demand returned to increase. In fact, in May of last year, we launched an exclusive employment portal for the specialized sector of meat and its derivatives in the Community of Madrid, and since then, only through this channel, 130 vacancies have been filled. To which are added 50 subsidies for the hiring of unemployed personnel, which we have processed for the contracting companies ".
This job portal has received 2,500 resumes in less than a year. Although most of the vacancies required experience in the trade carried out in local businesses, which "is much more than cutting steaks," as various establishments associated with Carnimad claim.
“Given the shortage of these professionals, in our training center, Educarne, we have launched the Butcher's Assistant Course, with the aim of training and qualifying the future pool of professionals in the sector ”, explains Díaz-Tovar.
This course has already held five editions and the sixth begins on May 10; currently counting on a 98% employability percentage, once the training is finished. The data is expected to remain positive since the Organization already has 140 companies interested in hiring apprentices.
Educarne's Training Director, Adrián Cano, points out: “The local meat trade is a sector that is differentiating itself more and more from the competition. Despite its size, it is committed to sustainability, natural and km 0 product, craftsmanship in its elaborations, personalized treatment and digital transformation. And progress is also being reflected when hiring apprentices from our Butcher's Assistant Course. They are interested in profiles of more diverse ages, professionals close to technology, and there are no percentage differences in the number of hires between men and women ”.
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