Pakistan is targeting a bigger share in the global halal meat market
Pakistan meat industry wants to play a bigger role in the global halal market and is asking the country's government to assign its commercial officers abroad to contribute to the national exports by searching new markets for Pakistani Halal products. "We can easily enhance our Halal products' exports by making room in Turkish, Central Asian countries, Chinese, Indonesian and other countries", declared APMPEA Chairman Nasib Ahmad Saifi in an interview for Business Recorder newspaper.
Brazil, India and several African countries are already well positioned in this market and the competition is going to be hard. Pakistan does not have a programme to support meat exports even if encourages livestock exports abroad.
Saifi said that the practice of allocating Live Animal Export special quotas should be abolished and only value-added products of livestock should be allowed to export.
A ban on slaughtering of female animals should be imposed and a mechanism should also be placed for its effective implementation, he proposed. By now, the growing population of the country has already exhausted the livestock supplies, and animal smuggling has deepened the crises.
In his opinion, the Halal Meat industry has a potential of expanding the meat export four folds in no time if given support by the authorities.
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