
Provacuno will promote the Spanish beef sector in China

PROVACUNO, representing the Spanish Beef sector, is taking significant steps to open the beef market in China. This advance occurs after more than seven years of continuous work - interrupted by the pandemic - to access the Asian country.

Posted on Nov 01 ,00:10

Provacuno will promote the Spanish beef sector in China

China, with a population that exceeds 1.4 billion inhabitants and constantly increasing purchasing power, represents one of the strongest economies in the world. Furthermore, beef consumption in China has maintained constant growth in the last eight years, consuming more than 30% of world production. The Asian country currently imports more than three million tons of beef, with Brazil, Uruguay, Australia, Argentina and New Zealand as its main suppliers, providing more than 80% of imports.

Although European Union countries such as France and Ireland, the latter in the introduction phase, have recently managed to open their borders to China, Spain remains waiting. Although it is true that very important steps have been taken in recent months. One of them has been the visit at the beginning of October by authorities from the Chinese inspection service, which brings closer the possibility of a soon opening. 

In this context, PROVACUNO has designed a series of actions to approach the Chinese authorities and importers, demonstrating its interest in this market and seeking to accelerate the necessary procedures.

From October 26 to November 10, different actions will be carried out to present the Spanish beef sector in China.

One of the most notable actions is the Spanish-Chinese Seminar on beef, in which prominent authorities from both countries have participated. To inaugurate the event, the Spanish ambassador to China, Don Rafael Dezcallar de Mazarredo, highlighted during his speech the strength of the agri-food sector and the interest in strengthening relations between both countries. This seminar was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and health authorities from Spain and China.

Furthermore, Javier López , director of PROVACUNO, has presented the characteristics of the sector, with the aim of promoting the opening of this crucial market where he perceives "a determined interest from China in Spanish beef." In parallel, the Chinese Customs authorities (GACC) and the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association (CIQA) have provided details on the procedures necessary for market opening, as well as the expectations and requirements on security control.

The day culminated with a dinner with the aim of strengthening ties and improving mutual understanding between PROVACUNO and the Chinese and Spanish authorities, thus strengthening the bilateral relationship.

To put the finishing touch, from November 5 to 10, PROVACUNO will be present at the prestigious China International Import Fair (CIIE) in Shanghai. During this commercial event, the qualities of Spanish beef will be made known to marketing companies, distributors, the HORECA channel and the Chinese professional public in search of high quality products like the one offered by the sector.

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