Re-opening of the Malaysian market for Uruguayan halal beef and sheep

The Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Fernando Mattos, accompanied by the president of INAC Conrado Ferber and the manager of Market Access of INAC Álvaro Pereira, made an official visit to Malaysia on June 4 and 6. Within this framework, he held working meetings with Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Halal Council Dato' Seri Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi, Minister of Plantations and Raw Materials Datuk Seri Johari bin Abdul Ghani, and Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Datuk Seri Haji Mohammad bin Sabu.

Posted on Jun 11 ,00:05

Re-opening of the Malaysian market for Uruguayan halal beef and sheep

As a result of this mission and the joint work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the re-opening of the Malaysian market for Uruguayan halal beef and sheep was completed. In the coming days, the technical services will agree on the health and religious details necessary for the start of the commercial flow.

The reopening of the Malaysian market for Uruguayan halal meat is the result of the efforts deployed by MGAP, MRREE, INAC during the last year, which allowed the generation of the necessary trust for Uruguay to once again be included in one of the most demanding halal markets in the world. , after 15 years of absence.

Malaysia and Uruguay reaffirmed their commitment to work together to position Uruguayan meat in Southeast Asia, thus advancing in the realization of one of the objectives of INAC's strategic plan regarding market access.

In terms of cooperation, Uruguay and Malaysia will begin the negotiation of a memorandum of understanding to coordinate different aspects related to livestock production, through the export of genetic material, training on nutrition techniques, management and traceability systems.

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