
Red meat sector in South Australia gets $7.5 million in state funding

The program focuses on innovation and infrastructure issues and is expected to be the key for a long lasting supply chain.

Posted on Apr 23 ,05:14

Red meat sector in South Australia gets $7.5 million in state funding

The entire supply chain in South Australia is to benefit from AU$7.5 million state funding with a focus on technologyy adoption and infrastructure for the growth of the industry, announced Australian Meat Industry Council Chief Executive Patrick Hutchinson.

The funds are going to be directed in some key areas, including innovation and infrastracture issues, said Mr Hutchinson in a radio show. “I think that this program is going to underpin how effectively innovation and infrastructure can help the sector. Is more in this sector than just farming, is going to affect as well the retail and butcher shop and is going to pay dividends for the farmers. That is the key for a long lasting supply chain”, explained Patrick Hutchinson.

This is the first funding of this type in Australia and it’s promoting partnerships between farmers and innovating companies rather than supporting measures that have already been implemented.

A key element of the proposal will be a planned roll-out of voluntary electronic individual sheep identification readers to increase traceability in the sector. Further investment would also be made in the state’s One Biosecurity program, which has seen almost 400 livestock producers join since it was announced last year.

More than 11 million sheep, 950,000 head of cattle and 57 million kilograms of wool are produced annually in South Australia with a total production and processing revenue of $2.4 billion.

Three key area will receive financial support from the government as follows:

  • Improved Productivity: In partnership with industry, private sector and universities, the investment will help consolidate extension programs, demonstrating the value of business planning and data-based decision making to building industry resilience to adverse events.
  • New Infrastructure: Funding will stimulate industry and private sector investment in the installation of individual animal identification readers and systems for sheep in key saleyards, meat processing facilities and on-farm. The use of this technology will demonstrate benefits to traceability and productivity, accelerating the adoption of individual animal identification.
  • Enhance Market Access: Funds will be invested in the SA Government’s ‘One Biosecurity’ program, to enhance both the online system and assist in industry take-up.

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