South Korea opens its doors to beef from France and Ireland

French and Irish meat producers will be able to export beef to South Korea again after the European Commission has negotiated with Seoul the removal of local restrictions on such imports imposed in 2001 due to the "mad cow" crisis.

Posted on Jun 18 ,00:20

South Korea opens its doors to beef from France and Ireland

The Commission explained in a statement that this positive result is a consequence of the continuous efforts it has carried out, including those carried out directly by the executive vice president of the Community Executive and head of Trade, Valdis Dombrovskis, in Seoul last November.

He then proposed to South Korean ministers and parliamentarians the lifting of restrictions on imports of beef from the EU, the Commission recalled.

South Korea is one of the largest meat import markets in the world.

According to Brussels, the removal of this trade barrier not only marks the beginning of exports of French and Irish beef to the Republic of Korea, but also "underlines the cooperation efforts" between the EU and that country to "guarantee security and the quality of the food products marketed".

The Commission also anticipated that other Member States will soon be able to export meat to South Korea, which will further deepen that trade relationship.

In 2001, the Korean market was closed to imports from 15 EU Member States due to outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

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