Spain: The meat industry shows its concern for the Plastic Tax
Although energy costs have moderated, the meat industry faces a decrease in production growth, together with high inflation, while access to credit continues to be difficult. The Group's president, Javier Dueñas, moderated the meeting that began with the analysis of the Royal Decree on packaging and packaging waste, which, as reported, will increase the cost of the food industry by 5,000 million euros.
Paloma Sánchez, director of the Department of Competitiveness and Sustainability of FIAB, offered an overview of the regulation of packaging in the European Union and in Spain. The problem of the plastic tax was also addressed, recalling that Spain has been the only country in the EU that has applied this tax, something that is complained by the sector, firstly because of its enormous economic impact in the entire food industry, and secondly, because it places the sector in disadvantage compared to its EU counterparts, by going beyond what is required by European regulations.
While other countries have preferred to postpone the entry into force of the tax in order not to punish the national economies already affected by the energy crisis and inflation, the Government of Spain has decided to lead the application of this new tax that reduces the competitiveness of a strategic sector.
The conference also served to analyze the new obligations for companies in the Registry of Food Contracts, provided for in the Food Chain Law and established by Royal Decree 1028/2022, reminding companies that buyers of agricultural and food products are required to register contracts to primary producers and their groups. This Registry entered into force on January 1 and from July 1, it will be mandatory to register the modifications introduced in the contracts already signed.
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