
Spain changes rules on animal transportation in time of crisis

Safety & Legislation

The new set of measures sets exceptions for these critical times and will be presented to the EC to try to extend its validity also outside of Spain.

Posted on Mar 25 ,11:56

Spain changes rules on animal transportation in time of crisis

The Spanish government announced that exceptions have been set for live animal transporters in the country to allow faster movement from farms to slaughterhouses. The validity of the authorizations of both the carriers and the means of transport and containers is extended, as well as the training certificates of the drivers or caregivers whose expiration has occurred from March 1, up to 120 days after the end of the declaration of the state of alarm or extensions thereof.
he logbooks or route sheets will be valid despite not having been sealed by the competent authority until 7 days after the end of the state of alarm or its extensions and could be extended 7 more days by the General Directorate of Agricultural Productions and Markets.
It is excerpted from the compliance with the rest times related to the protection of animals during transport and related operations, for all animal movements that are carried out during the state of alarm, reported Carnica magazine.
The effects of this measure have scope throughout the national territory, and will be communicated to the European Commission with the aim of trying to extend its validity also outside of Spain.

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