
The Argentine beef continues to be the most prestigious in Europe


The Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (IPCVA) presented the results of a market study in the European Union where consumers think that Argentine beef is the best. Importers, after the erratic policies of the last decade, request support and marketing to grow in sales.

Posted on Dec 05 ,07:10

The Argentine beef continues to be the most prestigious in Europe


On November 30, the main results of a survey carried out by the IPCVA in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Italy were known with the objective of knowing the preferences of consumers and importers of the old continent, more specifically in four strategic markets for Exports: Germany, Holland, United Kingdom and Italy.

The work carried out by the international consultancy GFK, allows to know in depth and with technical solvency the taste of the European consumer and the connotation of the brand "carne argentina" to develop specific marketing and promotion actions.

"We have been selling meat to Europe for many years, but the palate of consumers and the preferences of importers have never been studied, which will allow us to deploy communication, marketing and advertising actions in the coming months in order to grow again in exports ", assured Ulises Forte, President of IPCVA.

"This study allows us to know the taste and trends, with scientific basis, to adapt our products to the demand of one of our main markets," added Mario Ravettino, Vice President of the Institute.

David García, the Spanish consultant who presented the study in Buenos Aires, explained that the survey was carried out in five segments: consumers, importers, distributors, restaurants and supermarkets.

According to his words, "beef from Argentine continues to have the reputation of being one of the best in the world, this idea is deeply rooted among importers and it is a very powerful asset for importers".

This segment, that of importers, is central to the business and the main recommendation of the consulting company is that the Argentine meat chain works primarily on them with the aim of repositioning the product given that the business stakeholders themselves assured that in the last decade, Argentina neglected the commercial relationship for the country's public policies.

"Importers want a more active role in Argentina, with more diffusion and marketing actions, promotions and publicity that promote the reinstallation of the product in the markets and the demand of final consumers," he added

Also, the specialist said that Argentine restaurants in Europe are "excellent ambassadors of the product" because they enjoy a very good image and are the choice of the consumers of beef at the time of "give yourself a taste".

"The results are encouraging as the image of Argentine beef remains at the top despite several years of neglecting the relationship with Europe," Garcia concluded, "and in the same claim of importers lies the great opportunity that the country has to reposition itself as the best meat in the world. "

According to Forte, based on the results of the study, the IPCVA is already evaluating different promotion alternatives for the next months in the four countries investigated.

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