The Spanish pig sector is committed to strengthening dialogue between the UE and China


INTERPORC has met with the Chinese ambassador to Spain, Yao Jing, to whom it has conveyed the "need to promote dialogue between the European Union and China to find a solution to the situation generated by the anti-dumping investigation announced by the government of that country."

Posted on Jul 08 ,00:39

The Spanish pig sector is committed to strengthening dialogue between the UE and China

Its president, Manuel García, recalled "the environment of fair and equitable cooperation that has always characterized commercial relations between the pork sector and the authorities and distributors of that country, which he trusts will continue to be maintained".

The Spanish pork sector, García stressed, "is an example of efficiency and a successful export case, which serves as a mirror for other Spanish sectors that aspire to conquer international markets".

This is in addition to the strong ties of trust established between INTERPORC and the Chinese authorities, as well as between Spanish pork companies and distributors in that country. "We value the good relations that have always existed between Spain and China, as well as between companies from both countries, and we are completely sure that this trust is mutual", said the president of INTERPORC.

In this regard, the president of the Interprofessional has once again confirmed the unity of the Spanish pork sector and its willingness to collaborate with the Chinese authorities in the investigation of the antidumping measures: "to find a solution that undoubtedly exists for this situation since trade wars do not benefit anyone".

The relationship between the two countries has been developing successfully for many years, being a model of collaboration and mutual benefit. Spain is the main exporter of pork to China and, in turn, this country is the most important foreign market for the Spanish sector, with exports worth 1,223 million euros.

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