
The commitment of the Spanish pork sector to create a Green Spain


From INTERPORC (the Spanish Inter-professional Agri-Food Organization for White Pork), we can highlight that the Spanish white pork sector is committed to achieving a neutral climate impact by 2050, in line with the provisions of the "European Green Deal" and the “Farm to Fork Strategy”.

Posted on Jan 31 ,10:52

The commitment of the Spanish pork sector to create a Green Spain

In order to put the real scope of the environmental impact of pork production in context, it is necessary to indicate that its contribution to total Spanish GHG emissions is only 2.64%, measured in CO2 equivalent.

However, the efforts of the sector to reduce the environmental impact are not limited to GHG emissions, but extend to numerous fields, aspects or factors related to the activity of the pork sector: water consumption, electricity (use of renewable energies) and fuel consumption, consumption of nutrients, to name but a few.

In fact, few agri-food sectors have made as many efforts and have made as many advances in the defense of the environment as the Spanish pork sector, which in the last ten years has reduced GHG emissions per kg of meat produced by nearly 40%; those of ammonia by 35%; and by 30% the consumption of water. All this thanks to the incorporation of innovations and continuous improvements in the activity of all operators in the sector's food chain. Consequently, everything indicates that with the necessary measures and institutional support, the sector will be within reach, by 2050, of reducing its emissions to contribute to the global objective of "Net Zero Emissions".

Therefore, as a general conclusion regarding the pork sector and its contribution to creating a Green Spain, it could be noted that it has already launched and developed numerous initiatives and actions focused on environmental improvement of its activities in production, industrial transformation and commercialization; and the result of this has been the strong reduction of its polluting impacts in the last fifteen years.

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