
The largest pig abattoir in Latin America will be completed in 10 years


Chinese investment in Cooperativa Central Frimesa will allow the unit to process more than 23,000 pigs per day.

Posted on Aug 09 ,08:38

The largest pig abattoir in Latin America will be completed in 10 years

The largest pig slaughterhouse in Latin America is under construction near the city of Assis Chateaubriand, Parana, Brazil and will end up with a slaughter capacity of 23,300 pigs per day ten years from now. The construction site was open in October 2020 on 148,000 sqm and it has four stages of implementation to reach the target set by the investors.4
In the first stage of operation, which runs from 2023 to 2025, the projection is that the slaughter capacity of the new slaughterhouse will be 3,700 head/day. For the second stage, from 2026 to 2028, the total will be 7,500 head/day, while for the final stage, from 2029 to 2031, slaughter should total 11,200 head/day.
"Currently, our slaughter capacity is 8,300 hogs per day. With the forecast for the 4th stage of the work, scheduled to be completed in 2032, 23,300 heads will be slaughtered per day, adding up the operations of the units in Medianeira and Marechal Cândido Rondon", highlights the executive director of Frimesa, Elias Jose Zydek. A total of $611 million is going to be invested in this unit to reach the slaughter figure planned by investors.
This new slaughterhouse project will contribute to the promotion of pig farming in the western region of Paraná in the long term, added Mr. Zydek. “In 10 years, Frimesa's slaughter will triple, providing producers with opportunities to increase swine production, generating and diversifying the income of their properties. Swine farming will have technological and health advances, generating security for consumers and more income in the production chain”, he concluded.

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