
The popular VW currywurst is back again!

After VW banned meat from the range of its main canteen in Wolfsburg two years ago, meat-based dishes are now returning to the menu.

Posted on Sep 01 ,00:15

The popular VW currywurst is back again!

It was an excitement that went through the media exactly two years ago in August 2021: VW is removing the currywurst from its own canteen offer. The VW company restaurant in the brand high-rise in Wolfsburg was to be completely converted to vegetarian and vegan products, and the well-known VW currywurst was to be removed from the range there. The company justified this step by saying that the employees would have liked more meat-free and purely plant-based meals.

Two years later, the currywurst is celebrating its comeback! In the past few days, the front pages have often featured the headline that currywurst is returning to the VW canteen. A VW spokeswoman confirmed that meat and fish will again be offered in the canteen in the brand high-rise - at the request of the employees. The popular VW currywurst should also be back on the menu. According to several media reports, the currywurst, which was offered without interruption in other company canteens, has even increased its sales in the past two years.

Since 1950, the VW butchery has initially only supplied the workers with sausages, including Krakauer, Fleischkäse or meat sausage. The company even had its own farm at one time - the farm was closed at some point, but the butcher shop remained. Now the pork comes from the region and is produced without phosphates, milk protein and glutamate and with comparatively little fat. In 1973, the VW currywurst was served for the first time, based on a top-secret seasoning mixture from the company Raps in Kulmbach.

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