Three lamb processing facilities added DEXA measurement system
Three DEXA measurement systems are going to be instaled at lamb processing units in Western Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria. By now, the system was used in two plants, JBS Brooklyn, Victoria, and JBS Bordertown, South Australia, announced MLA.
DEXA technology provides timely, accurate and objective information on the lean meat, bone and fat composition of each carcase, paving the way for scientific measurement of saleable meat yield and a subsequent shift to a value-based marketing system.
MLA General Manager - MDC, Research, Development and Innovation, Sean Starling, said red meat processing facilities are keen to accelerate the adoption of the technology and unlock the many economic benefits it offers throughout the value chain. “Those benefits include industry-wide productivity gains through lamb processing automation, genetic improvement and data-based on-farm decision making. The new installations are being supported by MLA as research and development (R&D) projects because the data they generate will be used to provide commercial feedback within the respective company supply chains, and for use by MLA for other R&D purposes. For every DEXA system installed in a processing facility, MLA offers to support an internal resource that can engage with producers one-on-one over yield results included in feedback sheets,” Mr Starling said.
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