
US pork producers expect to sell half carcasses to China


Wholesale pork in the Chinese market is now at $3/kg and is driving up prices in supplier's markets as well.

Posted on Apr 23 ,12:21

US pork producers expect to sell half carcasses to China

Despite the high tariff rate for American pork in the Chinese market, US producers are hoping to increase their sales to China. In his latest market report, Jim Long, President and CEO of Genesus Inc, mentioned the possibility that part of the US packing industry is gearing up to send half carcasses to China.
"The big boost in prices are in the Pork exporting countries to China of USA., Canada, Spain, and of course China itself which is seeing pork supplies drop from ASF related production declines.
We expect to see strong prices for all countries that can export to China for a long time. There is strong indication part of U.S. packing industry is gearing up to send half carcasses to China,", said Mr Long.
Wholesale pork in China is currently averaging 3.03/kg and the prices are predicted to hike by 70% until the end of this year.

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