Vietnamese pork consumers are heading for supermarkets
Supermarkets in Vietnam are increasing their sales of pork as the consumers are looking for meat coming from a clear source, announce the Ministry of Agriculture of Spain.
Spanish officials believe that this is an opportunity for exporters to increase their presence in this market as the demand for pork is going to grow in the next months.
Some supermarket chains, such as Saigon Co, already calculate this increase in sales by 20% in centers across the country, reports Carne.3tres3 magazine.
Local authorities in Vietnam have started an information campaign for the population in which consumers are encouraged to only buy meat and pork products from controlled outlets, such as supermarkets, and cook them properly before consumption to inactivate the virus if the pieces contain it. Pork is the most consumed meat in Vietnam, with a per capita consumption of 31.3 kg in 2018, one of the highest in the world, according to OECD data.
(Photo source: Flickr/David Woo)
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