
Vincente del Bosque starts in a new INTERPORC promotional campaign


The former coach of the Spanish football team closes the Let's Talk Pig campaign, which pays tribute to the more than 400,000 professionals in the white-furred pork sector.

Posted on Nov 22 ,07:16

Vincente del Bosque starts in a new INTERPORC promotional campaign

During the presentation, Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, was "proud to be the minister of a country that is the third producer of pork in the world".

Vicente del Bosque, former coach of the Spanish Soccer Team, is the protagonist of the new ad with which INTERPORC pays tribute to professionals of pigs with white caps , which have turned this sector into one of the great economic engines, employment and wealth generators in Spain.

Professionals who, as Manuel García, president of INTERPORC, pointed out, "are simple and hardworking people who feed the whole society with products of the highest quality and food safety. Which preserves the health of the planet by working sustainably; who care for their animals and apply the highest animal welfare standards in the world."

The spot will be broadcast during the celebration of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar and the election of Vicente del Bosque, as explained by Alberto Herranz, director of INTERPORC, "it is not by chance, since he personifies both success and the values of sacrifice better than anyone ”.

In the 20-second spot, the former Spanish soccer coach accompanies the '11 winners' of the pig sector, 11 workers from different links in the white layer pig value chain, who represent  more than 400,000 professionals who work in directly or indirectly  in the pig sector.

For his part, Del Bosque, who has been very grateful "because they have thought of me to support the project", has highlighted "the union shown by the pig people", something that, as he explained, "I have been able to learn firsthand talking to them”. And he added that "without a doubt, they have shown me that we can compare the achievements of the white layer pig sector with those of a football team, in the sense that working together is closer to success than if each one goes for his side".

The presentation ceremony in Madrid was also attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, who stressed that "'Let's Talk About Pork' has allowed the Spanish pig sector, together with France and Portugal, to carry out a promotion of transparency and knowledge, since today it is more difficult to have a well-founded opinion due to the abundance of information, about a sector that can be very proud of what it does, such as the pig sector, which generates employment throughout Spain , mainly in rural areas.

In addition, Luis Planas has shown himself "proud to be the minister of a country that is the world's third largest pork producer, behind China and the US."

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