The Brazilian cooperative just took charge of Agrodanieli Group's poultry plant and plans new inv...
The government is urged to support the meat industry through a complex set of measures.
New Zealand decided last month to end live cattle exports due to animal welfare concerns.
China, the main destination for Brazilian pork, increased its purchases by 50.5% last month, says...
It is the second time when the industry breaks the barrier of NZ $1 billion (US $750 million).
The industry may suffer losses up to $250 million, according to first estimates coming from ABC M...
The country has the second-largest livestock population in Africa but is confronted with an ongoi...
However, results from the first quarter for chicken meat, turkey and egg production are still bel...
Currently, the sector is fighting ASF and export figures remained modest despite a national pig i...
Both parts are looking for an FMD free zone to improve trade between the two countries.