Personalized soup according to customer's preferences for protein is now available in Norway's re...
Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) led a delegation of Welsh exporters to SIRHA, the wor...
All Pakistan Meat Processors and Exporters Association (APMPEA) urges the government to support h...
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has been asked to examine the possibilities for a n...
US beef industry is adviced to take advantage of culinary habits in several key export markets. N...
Environmental campaigners are urging Chinese people to eat half of the meat they consume nowadays...
Jason Strong is the new head of the research, development and marketing service for the Australia...
The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is recruiting 100 veterinarians fro...
The move addresses to food producers, manufacturers, retailers and suppliers as some of the new r...
After a year and a half, one of the largest poultry processing facilities in Asia is ready to bec...