In 2017, Spain was considered to be one of the important producers of poultry in Europe, accounti...
Live hog prices in China has taken a plunge by almost 30%, the steepest in a very long time.
The company presented the new fully automated line that can be added with several modules for dif...
Sources quoted by Reuters say Chinese investment company Kam Fung is interested in acquiring Inca...
At this point, 60% of the EU’s seafood consumption is outsourced and the situation can be changed...
Bristol Seafood partnered with the Maine Technology Institute to invest almost $5 million in its ...
Bryansky Broiler, ABH Miratorg's poultry subsidiary, produced over 27.5 thousand tons of poultry ...
The money will be poured into a new poultry harvesting facility with a capacity of 2.4 million bi...
The new form of presentation for chicken is responding to millennials' fear of touching raw meat.
The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have announced...