Germany's pork production has increased by 1.8% or 36,600 tons in the first three months of 2018 ...
The pig industry in the United Kingdom has reduced the use of antibiotics in animals by 50% in th...
Spain's exports of meat and processed pork continued their upward trend in January reaching a tot...
Japan imported 2% less pork in the first quarter of 2018 compared to year-earlier levels, down to...
Even the most cautious farmers are taking a hit due to the 31.7% descent in prices.
On the 1 April 2018, Denmark's pig herd increased by 4% compared to year-earlier levels, reaching...
Pig producers from the two Asian countries are reporting heavy losses on their businesses.
The European Commission reported average pig prices of €143.08/100kg in the week ended April 29...
South Korea has increased its fresh/frozen pork imports by 15% in the first three months of 2018 ...
Brazil has witnessed a drop by 16% in its pork export in the first three months of 2018 compared ...