Improved weather conditions in Eastern regions helps the ovine sector to rebuild the flock.
The British lamb market has seen a recovery after the first lockdown.
The split of New Zealand’s WTO quota access for sheepmeat and beef remains an issue, mentions Bee...
Despite COVID-19 related processing restrictions and a widespread drought in the first half of 20...
The Gulf country counts as the third-largest export market for Australian lamb.
Mexico had the sharpest increase in lamb muscle cut (1000% y-o-y), according to data released by ...
The number of lambs processed for export in the 2020-21 season is estimated to decrease by 4.5% t...
Heavy lamb is about €7/kg, up 76% from a year ago and above the five-year average for the time of...
Currently, the average price for 100 kg carcass weight is 10% higher y-o-y.
A six-week campaign to encourage British shoppers to Make It with lamb has generated an additiona...