The government wants to increase the processing capacity in the country to switch to value-added ...
For the total use of antibiotics, AMCRA recorded a decrease of 12.8% compared to 2017 and of 35.4...
Genetics firm Genesus hopes to regain its position in the Chinese market with help from its Russi...
Indonesia remains the main market for livestock exports, even if Vietnam and China have increased...
Quality Meat Scotland is urging industry representatives to enlist in the new campaign which aims...
Farm policies in 53 countries were analyzed in the latest OECD report and the findings may be d...
The year-to-date live export of breeder cattle is up 89%, predominately led by China. Also, this ...
Cherkizovo Group insured over 15 million heads of poultry and 1 million pigs at RSHB Insurance.
"We must be vigilant when it comes to importing livestock from high-risk areas", it is said in a ...
New figures show that the cost of livestock theft has risen by 11% over two years, reaching GBP 2...