Now, CARNIMAD works to revive the sector, considering that it is part of the local heritage, cult...
During lockdown specialist food stores, such as butchers, fishmongers and grocers, have been most...
Reijer Evers, owner and founder of VSSMeat, adapted its business from foodservice deliveries to d...
Increased number of suppliers are already testing the limits for the Danish company.
The free Meat Education Programme (MEP) aims to help the industry address the challenge of findin...
The most important meeting of specialists in the meat sector in SE Europe will now take place bet...
The sector is highly impacted by the lockdown in Spain, with a significant drop for the most valu...
Some of the butcher shops in Barcelona were left empty by buyers scared of restriction measures a...
The International Butchers� Confederation will develop new strategies to address the global chall...
The sector is developing fast following the latest trends in the market and implementing new tech...