Operational challenges, including rising food and energy costs, volatile demand, and poor staff a...
"Poultry and pig farmers are at crisis point," says IFA President Tim Cullinan.
Increased demand for beef has lifted the FAO Meat Price Index but poultry and sheepmeat prices ar...
So far, pork exports to China have performed better than any other animal protein product in 2021.
Demand from the US and China is driving current high returns for sheepmeat and beef. These two ma...
The event hosted at the World Trade Center Dubai reveals new dimensions of international trade.
Limited beef exports imposed by the current government didn't encourage inhabitants to consume mo...
The objective is to strengthen the international brands Brazilian Chicken and Brazilian Pork at a...
More than 2 million tonnes of meat were shipped to countries outside the EU.
The value of Ireland’s food, drink and horticulture exports increased by 4% to a record €13.5 bil...